Wednesday 5 March 2014

Busy with arts and crafts

So as you may remember, Daisy was sent an amazing parcel by the Headmaster of her local primary school. I decided that it was time that we started making use of all these incredible supplies, and so I began to make cards. We had been sent coloured card and a whole load of stickers, with messages such as 'Happy Birthday', 'I behaved well', 'Brilliant Helper', 'My Headmaster's special award' etc.

So I cut up the card (my OCD began to go wild!) and made literally hundreds of these cards. My plan is to give them out if the kids have behaved really well, as a sort of special reward. My hope is that they'll want to earn them, want to show them off to their friends and their parents, and therefore work hard for them (knowing my kids this is never going to happen, but a girl can dream!)

At my school the highest award you could get was one from the headmaster (proud to say that I got one :) hehe) I'm trying to set this up as a kind of system as well, so that if one of the learners does something really outstanding i'll write the learner's name on the card and ask the principle to sign his name on it as well - they seemed to like this idea which is a good start.

I've also gotten all of my learners to write down their birthdays. I've made loads of birthday cards so I'm hoping that I can give them out to the kids. Most of them will be away from their families for their birthdays, and even if they're at home it's likely that most of them wouldn't get any attention anyway. So I thought it would be nice to try to do something to make their day feel at least a little bit special :)

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