Sunday 17 November 2013

International Education Week

This upcoming week it is 'Internation Education Week'. However, our kids are also starting their exams this week so we had to celebrate it a week early - not that they minded! Daisy and are I both hoping to set up a pen friend system with my old school and a primary school in Daisy's village and so we decided to incorporate it into the weeks theme.

Since the majority of our children simply cannot write we gave them the choice of either writing a letter, drawing a picture or doing both. The children that decided to write were handed a list of ten questions which we wanted them to address in their letters. They were:

1.) What is your name?
2.) How old are you?
3.) What Grade are you in?
4.) Where do you live?
5.) Do you have any brothers and sisters?
6.) What is your favourite subject?
7.) What is your favourite sport?
8.) What is your favourite tv series/ movie/ singer
9.) What is your favourite thing about Namibia?
10.) Do you have any questions about England?

Inevitably there was a range in levels of ability in the letters. Some of the children wrote brilliant letters, and were truly interesting, while some simply wrote one word answers. But oh well, hopefully receiving a proper letter from an English child will make them a bit more enthusiastic next time!

The children that drew pictures were told that they had to draw pictures related to Namibia. They were absolutely delighted by the animal stencils I provided them. There were five of them to begin with, two lions, a monkey, a giraffe and an elephant.

Unfortunately one boy thought it would be hilarious to rip one of the stencils up and so sadly Mr Elephant is no longer with us in this world (although I may try CPR with some cellotape!) But it was lovely seeing them actually getting enthusiastic about their work. Drawing really seems to be popular here!

So Daisy and I now just need to collect in the last few bits of work, and then hopefully we can send all the letters and drawings off to the two schools next Friday. Not a bad weeks work if I do say so myself :)

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