Monday 11 November 2013


So a while ago it was Sachi's birthday. However we couldn't really celebrate it properly with her as she went to Windhoek and we went to Luderitz for the weekend. So instead, on Thursday (which was also halloween) I baked her a particularly yummy (if i do say so myself) chocolate cake. And of course Daisy and I had great fun licking the bowl clean of mixture - some things never get old!

So in the evening Anne and Ruben came over and we ate the delicious cake. Then, since it was Halloween, Daisy and I decided to dress up. Our plan was to make ourselves look as freaky as we possibly could and then to go scare the secondary kids in the hostel. After taking our 'two months down, ? to go' photos we were ready!

I would just like to point out that we had warned the secondary kids that we would be attempting to scare them, so they shouldn't have been too surprised! As quietly as we could (which admittedly, wasn't very quietly) we sneaked up to the windows of the secondary hostel. There we stood silently outside the windows of the dorms and waited for the kids inside to realise we were there. The reactions were... hilarious.

One group of boys literally just started screaming like mad, with a couple of them falling off their beds in shock (thankfully not off the top bunks!) One room full of girls ran out of the room they were so scared, with one girl just hiding underneath her covers screaming her head off. The strangest reactions was perhaps one of the boys who just looked up and with a rather confused expression on his face said. "hey what are you doing?"

The best reaction by far however belonged to one of the boys. Daisy and I were in the process of scaring a room full of boys and hadn't even realised that the boy was underneath his sheets. Hearing the screams of his room-mates the boy pulled the cover off his face. Unfortunately that meant that his face was directly next to ours and he gave the loudest, girliest scream I think I have ever heard in my entire life.

Unfortunately on the way back to the house disaster struck and Daisy managed to trip over a massive rock, resulting in one rather bloody toe and a blood covered flip-flop. So we sat and chatted for a while with the others and I even managed to convince Ruben to let me put some lipstick on him hehehe

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