Monday 21 October 2013

Another week of madness

Well we have had yet another week of madness here. The creepy crawlies have begun to come out in force, meaning that there has been more than one instance where one of us run screaming from a room. We have come up with a good method of dealing with these creatures though. We trap them under a glass and then the next day we make one of the secondary boys get rid of it for us.

We've had a LOAD of marking to do this week, and since none of the children have books (they all claim they've been stolen) we always end up with hundreds of pieces of paper - very annoying. But we did manage to come up with a reasonably successful way of organising them into the different classes and subjects. However, a strong gust of wind always had the potential to cause chaos!

I also found an old picture which made me laugh. We had attended a youth group meeting and afterwards, the preacher had announced that his car wouldn't start and that we would need to give him a push start. Typical!

Daisy and I also discovered that one of the two shops here in Tses sometimes sells cupcakes - a very exciting discovery!
Daisy and I also got to watch a hostel punishment... Namibia style. Three of the secondary boys had left the yard without permission and so as a punishment they were made to sweep the entire yard. It took them a very, very long time.

Daisy made me an ankle bracelet!

We've been using our free time this week making friendship bracelets. They're a fun way to spend our time if we're just sat chatting or watching a movie, and the kids absolutely love them as prizes!

This was only the first batch!

And of course, I have to include a couple of photos of Daisy being odd. I wonder how long she'll go this time before realising? She continues to threaten to create a folder of mugshots of me but so far I appear to be safe...but I suspect it wont last forever!

The missing cast member of the Hobbit!

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