Monday 21 October 2013

Our second beauty pageant

We were once again asked to judge a beauty pageant (they obviously didn't learn from their first mistake!). This time however, we were judging our own learners which made it slightly more difficult - we really didn't want moans and complaints in the classroom!

Once again some of the outfits were simply adorable, and there were a couple of girls who stood out right from the beginning. The first girl in the line (the one with the pink bow in her hair) was particularly adorable.

So we watched and judged the three rounds, while two senior boys entertained the audience with jokes and dance groups filled the empty time. Once again we ended up giving most of our food and drinks away!

The entertainment for the evening :)

The most depressed group of winners ever

So the winners were announced and to our bewilderment all four of the girls walked onto the stage blubbing her eyes out...even the girl who won! This is simply something I will never understand.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Hebe,

    Back from Lanzarote. I have replaced the money into your a/c.

