Thursday 5 June 2014

The beginning of the end

The evening that school ended for the Easter holidays, the Project Trust girls from Luderitz travelled up to Tses. They stayed the night and then the next morning, Sophie, Suzy, Anne, Ruben and I set off to Windhoek. As usual, Namibian transport proved to be entertaining.

Us three PT girls managed to get a lift to the hiking point in a teeny tiny little car. We were all squeezed in the back, sat on our bags, so that our shoulders were literaly touching the ceiling and we had to hold our heads on our chests. It was the first timing hitchhiking for the Luderitz girls which was quite entertaining. After just half an hour of waiting, Suzy was bored and fed up, while we realised that since we hadn't even seen a car yet, this was going to be a VERY long wait.

Finally though, we managed to get a lift up to Windhoek. We spent a couple of days there, chilling, enjoying the shops (and the feeling of civilisation) and making plans for the rest of the holiday. We managed to formulate a plan, book some places to stay, and finally...we were ready to truly begin our holidays :)

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